Consistency and Execution of Online Services

Aug 28, 2017Blog Posts, Email Marketing, Social Media, Social Media and Small Business

Think about the attention to coordination, timing, positioning that comes with juggling. You are suspending multiple items using only your most basic means, your hands and your eyes. So many different processes are taking place to ensure that the balls or pins are staying in check with one another. The weight of the items, the time in the air, the position of your eyes or hands given the next upward toss are all in mind constantly and need to remain in mind for everything to work accordingly. Much like juggling is clockwork involved in owning and operating your own online business. In order for it to successful, it takes the implementation of different approaches, all done in the most appropriate, efficient, and effective way possible for optimal results. Let’s delve into some of these approaches or platforms and take a look at the best ways to coordinate the timing for and presentation of your brand to best serve your brand.

Social Media

One of the most dense punches you can pack concerning your online business strategy is by means of social media. Through use of brief and concise statuses about your brand, you are able to reach all of your followers in an informal and enticing way. That number is compounded by the number of people that see your brand’s social media posts by means of shares. The numbers regarding Facebook usage alone is staggering, even in terms of daily usage, where one would expect to see far fewer users. On a daily basis, roughly 1.32 billion people log onto Facebook (Zephoria), a figure that cannot be ignored in your social media practice .

For this reason, it is imperative that your brand posts on social media every single day! With people checking in on social media on the daily, it is your duty to give them something to see and consider daily. Also, while Facebook is the social media powerhouse that it is, disregarding other modes of social media is a mistake one does not want to make. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more social media platforms need to be in the mix as well. So here’s a quick breakdown of what an optimal social media approach may look like, according to Facebook, 1-2 daily posts; Twitter, anywhere from 1-51 per day, generally safest around 15 for business Twitter accounts; Instagram, 1-3 daily posts; LinkedIn, 1 post daily. Take the time each day to post about your brand, keep your clientele engaged, and maintain relevancy within the social scope of the e-commerce.


While most businesses have adopted social media into their consistent efforts for bringing awareness to their brand, other necessary services are still being neglected by many. The powerful blogging service has yet to be fully harnessed. To those who have made the crucial step towards adopting this, that’s the right move! Five times more visits are achieved by brands boasting blogs on their pages (Social Marketing Writing). Between the link building and the content building that blogging accomplishes, you are left with a great tool for traffic control toward your online sites, and this, again is compounded by the shareable nature of blog links, but also with the increased power of a blog source as more and more blogs are accumulated by that source or brand.

Quality content for blogs is super important, but it is imperative to not take too long in attempt to achieve perfection of content. In so doing, you would set yourself up for poor blog frequency which could actually be far more detrimental than good content that you may feel has not yet come to fruition, but has. Design blog topics that can work within a realistic timeline, so as to pump new material out more often! To have a good frequency that does not stretch you thin, but does not keep your readers waiting for more material and wondering where you went is the crucial balance to maintain in order to uphold high reader expectations and concurrently strengthen your technical end of things such as SEO and visibility online, according to Blog Mutt. Blogging once a week is realistic, manageable, and will do wonders for your brand and your customer relations.

Email Marketing

Social media marketing and blog composition are great to add a much needed social component to your online business strategy. They serve a dual purpose of intriguing new, prospective customers while giving established customers something to chew on for sake of continued information. However, for the new and established customer, nothing does more for reinforcing a brand’s desire to do business with you than the contact made through email marketing. Email continues to be the primary form of business to business and business to consumer communication, and for this reason needs to be considered in the equation of what to factor into your online presence.

So email marketing needs to be involved, but to what degree? With social media, we follow the daily usage trends of social media users by mirroring them with daily posts. With blogs, we give regular updates based on what readers may want, with some room for variation as the intentions of blogging are primarily traffic driven. Regarding email marketing, the initial hypothesis would be that if people are using email everyday, which they are, then I must be sending marketed emails everyday. Wrong! In a UK referenced by Smart Insights, it was shown that from 2007 through 2010, 2-3 emails per month was the optimal number of marketed emails necessary to keep customers engaged, but not make them feel harassed with excessive solicitation. This equates to roughly one email every two weeks. Maintain this frequency, and you are golden.


In conclusion, there is a lot to juggle when operating a business online. In this article, we only covered a mere few of those services, but there are still more to bear in mind yet. Knowing how to approach using such features properly is the key to ensuring efficiency of your usage of them as well as most effectively reaching your followers. To learn more about integrating any of these services and more into your online business strategy, contact Rave Retailer today!