Progress verses Wisdom. Part 4

May 10, 2024Newsletter

Recently I provided the framework for thinking about the comparison of the laws of nature, to the rules of business. As we all know there are undeniable rules for how everything on earth works.

Here again are the five principles of business that we will continue to talk about in the coming months.

  1. The principle of no shortcuts.
  2. The principle of embracing failure.
  3. The principle of serving.
  4. The principle of operating in the present moment.
  5. The principle of speed.

This month is principle number four The principle of serving. The world says build, get out front. Climb the ladder. Do whatever it takes to get to the top. These are the ways to build a good life!

However, we fail to recognize that whatever is built by self effort must be sustained by self effort.

Serving at any stage of business helps leaders to realize everything isn’t about their needs and the fulfillment of their every desire. Serving provides an undeniable reward of creating a business filled with products or services that meet the needs of the customer. Serving provides an amazing livelihood for business owners and leaders. Serving provides stability for a growing staff.

Serving is the catalyst that leads to understanding the way of making the impossible become possible!

This concept is proven over and over again by doing the right thing. And, the money will follow. The converse is also true. Being a big shot can result in quick cash, while more often than not ending in a dumpster fire.

Serving others requires us to accept the lowest seat, and to remain there until it is no longer possible. This means at the start up stage leaders must do everything themselves, Serving is focused exclusively on the needs of the customer. But, when it comes time to hire for a position the mindset of building the company by serving the needs of staff must kick in.

It is the goal of a servant leader to provide back up, and cover to allow their employees to grow and excel. Not the other way around!

Taking the lowest seat is simple, but not easy. Leaders who have taken risks, are often people who are highly driven, and have oversized ego and pride. This leads to a superman mentality. The thinking is; “I can do it better or faster than anyone else.”

This belief has led many leaders to build only small businesses.

An iconic example of servant leadership occurred when Herb Kelleher the Co-Founder of Southwest Airlines boarded a plane and personally assisted flight attendants with snack and beverage service. He introduced himself to passengers, saying, “Hi. My name is Herb Kelleher. Thank you for flying my airline. Can I get you something to drink?”

What ways can you be like Herb?

If you would like to talk about these principles please click here to schedule a call with David Lively, Founder of RaveRetailer