In last month’s newsletter, I provided the framework for thinking about the comparison of the laws of nature, to the rules of business. As we all know there are undeniable rules for how everything on earth works.
Here again, are the five principles of business that we will continue to talk about in the coming months.
- The principle of no shortcuts.
- The principle of embracing failure.
- The principle of serving.
- The principle of operating in the present moment.
- The principle of speed.
This month we will be exploring the principle of no shortcuts in greater detail. This idea is often unsettling business people because in our culture today we have become accustomed to instant “perceived” gratification in nearly every area of our lives.
We live in a time where there are roughly eight billion people in the world, but there are approximately fourteen billion active cell phone accounts. Have you ever considered this fact?
Instant global communication! Let me ask you, do you truly believe this nearly 2 to 1 ratio of phones to humans is life-giving? Then add in the estimated 8.93 billion apps, and I believe we are rocketing toward continued chaos.
Let me be clear. There is a time and place for phones and apps. They both provide real benefits if used wisely. However, it is equally clear these tools are not always used properly.
The market is filled with gurus, masterminds, and talking heads all screaming about their surefire, easy-to-apply formulas to create a successful business. My warning is, don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do.
I want to be part of helping you build a business that is lasting. One that can provide both wealth and joy. A life lived that is fulfilled. Teddy Roosevelt said it this way. “Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering.”
The principle of no shortcuts
Over the last 35 years as a business owner, I have seen a tremendous amount of change in the particulars of how businesses operate. During this time period the internet, email, and texting all were invented and added to how businesses can sell and serve their customers. However, these tools don’t change the relational work that must happen between businesses and their customers.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a call with Claire, VP of Sales, click here