It’s Cyber Monday! How Are You Shopping This Year?

Nov 26, 2012E-Commerce, Mobile Marketing, Websites

“Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life!”


Unless, of course, it’s Cyber Monday!


The times, they are a-changin’, and today may be a record day for the retail history books. While Black Friday was all the rage in year’s past, Cyber Monday is growing every year, and from the statistics it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop anytime soon.

According to an online survey done by SOASTA and Harris Interactive, online stores are more appealing for holiday shopping than ever before. In fact 73% of the 2,346 American adults surveyed said they’d like to see more retailers make mobile apps for ease in online shopping. 75% of Americans now shop online and say that retailers should open and operate special Cyber Monday online sites equipped to handle large numbers at once. Check out this infographic by the same company with other interesting statistics.

If you are a retailer whose business is not yet online or set up for eCommerce, you may be missing out this holiday season. Take the necessary steps today to make sure you don’t lose that revenue next year. Contact us today.