Websites: Importance of Good Visual Design

Feb 17, 2017Websites0 comments

Looks aren’t everything….One notion that should never cross your mind in the business with regards to merchandising. Ways in which we portray our businesses are highly considered when one is perusing our inventory. Going to great lengths to make sure all mannequins are dressed to the nines in the best outfits, having a clear departmental set up to a store, or a visual presence of brand names and their goods are all highly important and effective measures to ensure business success. But these are all physical measures that can only be made by brick and mortar stores, what about businesses that are run primarily or even strictly via digital webstores?

This goes double, no, triple for the folks from a majority-digital presence. Without a material store, one has to go to extended efforts to take a coded website and materialize it. In doing this, it is efforts to make it a comfortable space for one to conduct their e-commerce and for folks to shop around. So how is this accomplished, an electronic storefront that draws customers in, that is? Let’s dive into this, shall we?

Since the aesthetic appeal of a first impression is usually what is given the most attention when interpreting what is in fact a good first impression, and thus an impression with longevity ultimately, we’ll go ahead and outline the actual visual allure of website design first and foremost. How a website looks and how it displays products or services can make or break someone’s stay on your website. When people happen upon a website, it is usually a product of a specific search, someone with an intention to find something in particular versus a haphazard web browse. To click on a link and enter a website to easily, and immediately, find content or information pertaining to your search is the objective. While the successful visualization of a website design comes largely from it being pleasing to the eye, it also is largely due to the layout of the website having a distinguished set up that is easy to navigate with the eye.When a website is clear in its layout and a shopper is able to find something in the realm of their search, this implies an effective website design.

In continuation of the importance of website design, as aforementioned, the attractiveness of a site’s visual attributes are absolutely crucial to the success of the website. When people enter a physical store, they see salesmen and saleswomen making use of the products, raving about it, telling customers about the products, showing images or demos of using products, the list goes on and on. The purpose of all of this is to find different ways to get a potential client to see themselves ‘wearing’ a good or ‘wearing’ a service. Buyers will not be buyers if they can not see themselves in this position of ‘wearing’ the product. While my first listed element of successful website design was grounded in what the browser may be looking for, this aspect takes what the browser is looking for in a good or service and shows how you, as a seller, feel that this meets the needs of that potential buyer. This can become more difficult when dealt the task of replicating such a feeling for possible buyers but in an online format. In order to accomplish this, the same principal applies, however, where the goal should be to take the needs of the individual browsing for something and being able to show them what they may need at a first glance, but then going the extra mile and depicting how the product they are seeing will be the solution for the need they must fulfill.

In address of the two previous points is the discussion of what elements specifically aid the visual stance of a website, in order for it to effectively tackle those two essential goals of conducting commerce via a website. This pertains to the actual visuals and how they appear, and additional intentions behind those visuals. Regarding all elements of design, and how they may seem very qualitative, there is a degree of quantitative consideration in getting the optimal visual execution. Integrated into a website’s design should be color usage, text, and imagery or photography. While these are important, equally important is an understanding of just how much of each of these elements is ideal for a website.

Color coordination is very primary to website design. This is where continuity can be born and really honed with your brand. A company with a brand should really push to make that brand logo or theme visible or recurring so it gets planted into the thought of a website visitor. In an effort to not overdo it with a brand being seen in every free pixel of a website, utilizing the core 2 or so colors of the brand logo throughout the website produces an association, which reverts one’s thought back to the logo as they see the like colors all around. Moreover, the photography or general imagery of a website is another key visual website attribute. In order to effectively use this, there must first be an initial presence of visuals for a website. This visual content is as important as any descriptive material. The reason being is people will be able to visualize use of the service or good, as mentioned earlier when wanting to see themselves ‘wearing’ the product, however, similar to the amount of colors on a site, the amount of images should also be kept in perspective. If you see a fair number of images that capture the essence of a company’s mission, then that is successful, versus having a million pictures where the point can become diluted, so essentially with the visuals, keep is relatively reasonable.

Fringed within the realm of visuals is the question of text capacity in a website. Where our interpreted impressions of what a company does comes from how we perceive the images that are on the site, text solidifies those impressions with descriptive backing. From explaining the mission of a company, to giving exact specifications of a good, all the way to directions of placing orders, text is a necessity. However, the goal of text is much different than visuals and should be noted. Visuals are used to grab attention and keep it until someone decides to stick around and read what the text has to say. The common website visitor may not want to take the time to read all that a website has to say if that website in fact has way too much to say. Thus, have text, as it is necessary, but as with visuals, keep it relative so that you can get your point across, but not to overwhelm a shopper with a lengthy dissertation. Amidst these website elements and many more, as there are numerous key pieces to a website, the goal ultimately is balance in content and in information.

In conclusion, there are various elements of website design, and the successful implementation of these elements will amount to the success of the business operating via the website. To address the goals of the business as well as how those goals will benefit a potential client work simultaneously and this is how an mutual satisfaction between buyer and seller is found. All the while, the proper use of visual media and textual information will act as a means of communicating ideas to shoppers and the right balance of these elements will make for the most success. Take these notions to your website drawing board and watch your online business success magnify!